Exercising safely in COVID-19 times
Dear Members,
When we reopen on 12th April, it will (we hope!) be the start of a road back to some sort of normality. However, we are aware that COVID-19 will be with society for some time, and hence we plan to keep our guidelines for safe exercising up to date to reflect the latest guidance from government.
The table below summarises which activities are permitted in each area of the Club from 12th April. The next relaxation is scheduled for May 17th, and we expect considerably more activities to be permitted from this date, including group exercise, indoor tennis, squash, sauna and steam room. We will update the table as we get more details from government (although the pattern seems to be to release this information at the last minute).

Below we summarise the main points to be aware of when visiting the Club and using each of the facility types. Some of this guidance has changed from last year, so please do have a quick read.
Detailed COVID for Members by Area
We put considerable thought into how we best operate during this COVID time, allowing our members to enjoy the benefits of regular exercise whilst keeping them as safe as possible.
The good news is that our Club is one of the safest around. Being new, the high quality and modern air handling systems ensure large quantities of fresh air are constantly being pumped around the building. In addition, our normal cleaning regime has always been good, and we have enhanced this further since COVID struck. The measures outlined below enable as many members as possible to use the Club throughout the day, whilst still ensuring that we can all stay suitably “socially distanced” and hence, as safe as possible.
We will start with some general points before looking at each area of the Club in turn:
When Visiting the Club:
- Please remember your phone so you can scan in using the new App. If you don’t have a smart-phone (e.g. for a junior member) please ask us for one of our new membership cards. Only one barrier will be in operation and we want to ensure a speedy entry to avoid crowding at the entrance. For information on downloading the new App please see here.
- We will continue to use the main entrance to enter the Club and you will exit through the Club Lounge doors. Please follow the signs.
- Hand sanitiser will be provided at the front door – please use this before you enter.
- To help protect our staff and our members, masks will continue to be compulsory when entering the Club and moving around the common areas. Obviously, we do not expect you to wear a mask when exercising. We hope we might be able to relax this rule from May 17th.
- Please come changed and ready to exercise and leave your bags in the car if possible. The locker rooms will be open if you must use them (e.g. if using the Club before changing for work), but we wish to keep locker room use to a minimum.
- Please follow the floor signs when moving around the Club. When using the stairs please stay on the left.
- Note that we are not taking cash payments, so please bring your card/phone.
- Please bring water with you to the Club. Our water fountains will remain in use to fill bottles, but we would like to keep their use to a minimum.
Indoor group activities and exercise classes cannot take place until 17th May. There will be a few outdoor classes scheduled each week and these can be booked via the App.
We will also continue to stream classes from our studios for you to do at home, accessed via our dedicated web-site: www.clubtowerslive.com. This service is included in all active and frozen memberships. Please email [email protected] for an access code if you do not have one already.
You will need to book your space in the gym in advance. Time slots start at quarter past the hour from 6.15am and will run for 45 minutes (e.g. 8.15am to 9am, or 7.15pm to 8pm). This gives 15 mins of “changeover time” to allow members to clean the kit they have been using and exit the gym, and enable our staff to do some additional cleaning before the next group enters.
- Please book your session through the App. You can book up to nine, 45-minute sessions in a week (Monday to Sunday).
- Numbers will be limited to 35 in each session. If you don’t have a booked slot you will not be able to use the gym.
- Half of the gym kit has been taken out of use, to allow adequate spacing between stations.
- Please wipe down your kit, before and after use. There will be plenty of blue roll and disinfectant spray available. Our team will also be doing extra cleaning in the gym to ensure that kit remains as clean as possible.
- Our popular parent & junior gym sessions for 12-15 year olds will continue. Please note that BOTH the 12-15 year old and the parent will need to book a slot at the same time, and the usual close supervision rules will apply. Please refer to the website or in the Club for days and times of these sessions.
- You can book your PT sessions directly with your PT as normal. These will remain 1 hour sessions.
Please do be courteous when using the gym and do not “hog a station” for too long. E.g. if there are others waiting for the free weights area, or a treadmill, we are asking you limit your time to 15 minutes. Please move regularly onto different pieces of kit.
Our indoor courts are open, but only for use in the following circumstances:
- Juniors in a group coaching setting.
- 1-2-1 coaching with one of our coaches.
- Play within a household bubble.
- Solo play.
All social play between members of different households must take place on our outdoor courts. This includes singles and doubles play, adult group coaching and team matches/competitions. Please book your courts through the new App.
The COVID guidelines for use have changed slightly, as follows:
- Groups of no more than six (rule of 6 applies except in an organised group activity).
- If the courts are in use when you arrive, please wait some distance away until your start time and stay socially distanced.
- Please replace your sweat towel (and any other kit) in your racquet bag after use, and don’t leave it lying on the court or bench during your match.
- Please use the hand sanitisers before and after you have finished your game.
- Please bring your own balls and racquets as we are unable to lend at the moment. Balls are available to buy at Reception.
- No spectating, except a single parent/guardian/carer.
The squash courts will remain open, but only for the following:
- Solo practice
- Play within a household bubble.
- 1-2-1 coaching with one of our qualified coaches.
- Junior group coaching sessions.
Note that no match play or socially distanced practices are allowed between members of different households.
The general COVID rules for our squash players continue as previously, namely:
- Please sanitise your hands before and after play.
- Please do not wipe sweaty hands on the wall or glass backs.
- Please put your sweat towel and other equipment, straight back into your bag after you use them and don’t leave them lying on the benches.
- Stay back from the doors and allow the previous court users to exit safely before trying to enter the court.
- Please bring your own balls and racquets as we are unable to lend at the moment. Balls are available to buy at Reception.
Swimming & Hydropool
You will need to book a timeslot in the pool and spa. Time slots will start at quarter past the hour and quarter to the hour and will last for a maximum of one hour. So, for example you would be able to book a slot from 7.15am to 8.15am, or from 5.45pm to 6.45pm.
Please note:
- Please book your session through the new App. You will be able to book up to 4 sessions per week (Monday to Sunday). If you don’t have a booked slot you will not be able to use the pool/spa.
- Parents wishing to swim with a young child will need to book two sessions – one for the parent and one for the child. The new App will allow you to book a session for both yourself and your child.
- Total numbers in the pool and hydropool will be limited to 16 per hour, with a maximum of 4 in the hydropool (two in seats and two in beds) at any one time.
- You may use the locker rooms, but please do wipe down the locker handle after use.
- Four showers will be in use in each locker room. Please do not forget to shower before using either of the pools.
- Sunbeds will be in use (suitably distanced) both inside and outside. Please give your bed a clean before and after use, using the sanitiser spray provided, and use a towel to lie on.
- Please bring a clean towel and hang it on the pegs provided in the pool/spa area so that you are in the locker rooms for the minimum time possible.
- We are running parent & baby sessions and swimming lessons during term time as normal. During these activities it will not be possible to book a slot to use the pool or spa.
Please do be courteous when using the pool and spa. In particular, please do not stay in the hydropool for more than 10-15 minutes to allow everyone a fair chance to use it.
Sauna & Steam Room
Sadly we have to keep our sauna and steam room closed until May 17th.
Soft Play
We also have to keep our soft play area out of action for the time being. Again we are hopeful this may change from May 17th.
The creche will be open and sessions must be booked in advance, as we will only staff the creche when there is demand for it. Opening hours are Monday-Friday, 9-1pm, at a cost of £6 per hour, with a discount for block bookings. Single bookings can be made via the new App. To block booking for the half term, please speak to Reception.
Information about the changes we have made to ensure we can open safely can be found here.
If you have any further questions or would like to arrange a tour, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Creche team, either in the Club or through [email protected]
Club Lounge
Our indoor seated area will be closed for all members, so please do not try to use it, even if you are just waiting for another member.
Our outdoor seating area will be open at all times that the Club is open and will serve hot and cold drinks and snacks.
We plan to serve a section of light meals and lunches from the kitchen between the hours of 10am and 2pm. We will keep these hours under review and extend them (and the size of the menu) if we get good demand.
Whilst we are limiting numbers in the gym and pool, members can only book guests in on day passes if there is space on the actual day and cannot make advance bookings. You can book your guest in by calling reception. Vouchers issued through our Premium Membership Programme however, may be still be booked in to activities 7 days in advance, again by calling our reception team. Tennis members can bring in a guest to play on the outdoor courts, at a cost of £8/hour.
As usual, apologies for the length of the blog, but there is a lot to communicate! If you have any questions or concerns, then we are here to help. Please send us an email to [email protected] or give us a call and speak to Reception.
Some progress, and hopefully more on May 17th…….!
Steve, Matthew and the Club Towers Team