The power of good cake and kindness! £1,165 raised for local charities….
We would like to say a big thank you to all those who attended our recent charity cake and coffee morning. Thanks to member and staff generosity, we are delighted to announce we raised a spectacular £1,165 – yet another new record for our coffee mornings! Money was raised on the morning through cake sales and fifty percent of all hot drink sales during the morning (donated by the Club).
Many thanks also to all the staff and members who baked for us, along with Missibakes, Bookers & Kate’s Amazebites for their donations; it is greatly appreciated and we simply couldn’t raise what we do without your support. We had a huge selection of cakes and sweet treats, leaving members spoilt for choice.
Whilst many treated families at home with takeaway purchases, the Club Lounge was packed with many enjoying their cakes over a coffee with friends which was really lovely to see.
For those that aren’t familiar with the two charities we were fundraising for, here’s a little about them. The MS Therapy Centre is a self-help organisation, run by people with MS for people with MS and based in Barkers Lane, Bedford. Established in 1983, the Centre provides the therapies, services and support needed to enable people living with Multiple Sclerosis to self-manage their condition. The Centre currently supports over 1,000 people across Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire.
The Tibbs Dementia Foundation’s mission is to support local people to live as well and fully as possible with dementia in their lives, by offering support, information and a wide range of activities and social opportunities. Their model focuses on what people can do, supporting them to find their voice through a range of activities.
We hope everyone enjoyed their cake(s!)
Here are a few pictures from a lovely morning: