Half Way to Opening! Watertight Within 2 Weeks
We are now half way through the build, and good progress has been made in the last month with the weather staying reasonably kind.
The external brickwork is now almost complete, and the roof will be completed this week. Overall the aim is to have the building watertight by mid-October latest, after which the bulk of the internal fit-out will commence.
Internally, the laying of the concrete flooring is now underway, with the huge indoor tennis hall area commenced. The squash court blockwork has been started and it is now possible to see how the squash courts will look when complete.
The one area that is slightly behind schedule is the external drainage, and this is a priority for October. Drainage will be laid underneath the car park and outdoor tennis courts, before the first layers of tarmac are laid on the car park. This will give some much needed hard standing on-site and enable a cleaner working environment to be created before the worst of the winter weather.