Glorious “Dead-Heat” in Strawberry & Pimm’s Tournament

4 July 2024

Our ever-popular pre-Wimbledon social tournament took place last Friday, followed by delicious Strawberries & Pimm’s in the Club Lounge. There was a bumper entry of 20 competitors and this year coach Tom ran the event for the first time.  Rain disrupted play last year (just like Wimbledon!), but this year we struck lucky with a glorious sunny evening. Tom introduced a new format too, drawing the players into two groups so that players from one group were able to mix and rotate with partners from the second group.  This had the benefit of linking players who may have never paired together before, and the continued rotation also helped to level the playing field.  A really good way to connect recently joined members with other members too.

And so it proved in the final results, with a tie for 1st place among the players in group A …. Lili Granger and Lynne Hawkins sharing the spoils on 56 points each. It was much the same in group B, with Dragana “Missi” Sandler pipping Justin Smith by just one point … 58 points to 57.

Well played to all who took part.  We hope you all had a lovely evening!