Wellness Week – 9th – 15th September 2024

Are you bored with your fitness regime? When did you last try something new?

Do you have a fear of going in the gym or doing free weights?

Do you have a niggling or recurring injury holding you back?

When was the last time you had a health check?

Do you struggle to lose weight, or struggle to keep it off?

Can you touch your toes? Do you regularly feel stiff?

Club Towers’ Wellness Week is packed full of activities – workshops, seminars, consultations, classes for newbies and more to encourage you to take action to improve your health and wellbeing for the long-term.

Below is a summary of the week’s activity programme and more detailed information on each activity can be found below the table:


  • 9am – 5pm Health & Wellness Evaluation
  • 7pm Learn to Warm up Properly for your Squash Match


  • 10am – 12pm Free Consultations with Kinetic MSK
  • 5pm Introduction to Group Cycle


  • 2pm Strength Training Workshop


  • 11am Squash & Racketball Taster Session
  • 12.30pm Introduction to BODYPUMP – Learn Correct Technique
  • 2pm – 4pm Free Consultations with North Beds Osteopaths


  • 6.30pm Strength & Conditioning for Runners


  • 1.30pm Nutrition Seminar – Sustainable Weight Loss without Dieting


  • 12pm Introduction to BODYPUMP – Learn Correct Technique
  • 1.15pm Pilates for Men

Wellness Week is for you – do something to futureproof your health and wellness!

Programme Details

Health & Wellness Evaluation

Are you struggling with any of the following areas of your health – Nutrition, sleep, stress or movement?

Our in-house Nutrition & Wellness Coach is offering free Health & Wellness Evaluations at this year’s Wellness Week to help members to review these areas of their health and identify where they are doing well, where they need to pay more attention, and what actions they can take NOW to start improving their health & wellbeing.  

The evaluation will involve members filling out a couple of questionnaires about their anthropometrics, health history, nutrition, sleep, stress and movement habits before a 1-2-1 session on Monday, 9th September with Coach Ann to go through the results of the evaluation. Please reserve 45 minutes for the 1-2-1 session.

Note that the completed questionnaires will need to be sent back to Coach Ann before 6th September to allow time for processing.

Limited places available so please book quickly.  

When – Monday 9th September, 10am – 5pm

Where – Treatment Room 1

How – Please book your 1-2-1 session at Reception or by emailing [email protected]. Places will be booked on a first come, first served basis.  A place will be confirmed by an email response from us and Coach Ann will follow-up shortly with the questionnaires for you to complete.

Learn to Warm up Properly for your Squash Match

Long day at work? Rushed back out of the house to get to the match? Knee supports on, Deep Heat applied, a couple of quick stretches, straight on court and one game down before you have started moving properly? If this all sounds a familiar story for you, then now is the time to make a change and help is on hand!

The world of Squash and the expertise around warm-ups has moved on so much in recent times but it seems those of us that are getting on in years (and hence need all the help we can get!) warm up less than our younger counterparts! On 9th September we are running a free 45-minute session with our PT Mark Allen on how to warm up properly prior to a match. Come and give it a try and look to make a change to your routine for the coming season!

Following on from this session, Mark plans to run a 6-week, gym-based course aimed specifically at Squash players to help condition and prepare them for the rigours of the game. Further details about the course will be out soon but for now, why not start by making that change to your warm-up routine and get booked in on 9th September.

When – Monday 9th September, 7.00 – 7.45pm

Where – Gym & Squash Corridor

How – Book at Reception or by emailing [email protected]. Places will be booked on a first come, first served basis.  A place will be confirmed by an email response from us.

Free 15-min Consultation with Kinetic MSK

Sunny and Maddie from Kinetic MSK, our treatment room partner, are offering members a free 15-minute consultation at this year’s Wellness Week.

Kinetic are one of Bedfordshire’s leading musculosketal (MSK) and physiotherapy specialists. Their services include: manual therapy, sports massage, injury rehabilitation,  kinesiology taping and pre- and post-natal massage. Whether you are recovering from an operation, have a niggling injury or are just looking to optimise your sports performance they can help and have an outstanding number of positive reviews on Trustpilot.

If you’d prefer just to have a chat they will also be in the foyer during the below times, so simply pop along to say hello and ask any questions you may have.

When – Tuesday 10th September 2024, 10am – 12pm

Where – Treatment Room 2 & Foyer

How – Book a 15-minute consultation at Reception or by emailing [email protected]. Places will be booked on a first come, first served basis.  A place will be confirmed by an email response from us.

Introduction to Group Cycling with Instructor Dave

Have you ever wanted to try a Cycle class but don’t know where to start? Trying a new class can be very daunting, particularly if there’s equipment involved. If this sounds familiar, then this is the session for you! Our experienced Instructor Dave will take you back to basics with the full set up of your bike and how the bike works, including all its functions. He will then lead you through a short beginner level class so that you feel ready to try some of our timetabled Group Cycle classes in the future.

When – Tuesday 10th September 2024, 5.00-5.45pm

Where – Spin Studio

How – Book at Reception or by emailing [email protected]. Places will be booked on a first come, first served basis.  A place will be confirmed by an email response from us.

Strength Training Workshop with Expert PT Neeraj Chana

Strength training has so many benefits for all of us!  There are many misconceptions about it, but implemented properly into a fitness programme, it can be hugely beneficial.  Neeraj is running a practical workshop for those who have some experience of weight training but are looking to progress. He will guide you with technique, options and progressions so that you can unlock the great benefits of Strength Training.

When – Wednesday 11th September 2024, 2.00-3.00pm

Where – Gym Floor, meet at the desk 

How – Book at Reception or by emailing [email protected]. Places will be booked on a first come, first served basis.  A place will be confirmed by an email response from us.

Squash and Racketball Taster Session

This is a practical session where coach Sam Morris will get you on court and give you a taste for these great games, which are suitable for all ages. He can also talk through playing opportunities at the Club.  All equipment is provided but please do wear clean, indoor, non-marking shoes.

This session is also open to non-racquets members.

When – Thursday 12th September 2024, 11.00-11.45am

Where – Squash Courts

How – Book at Reception or by emailing [email protected]. Places will be booked on a first come, first served basis.  A place will be confirmed by an email response from us.

Introduction to BODYPUMP – Learn Correct Technique with Instructors Garry and Katy

BODYPUMP is a full body barbell/weights workout that gets results fast. Based on low to moderate weights and high reps, BODYPUMP will make you stronger, leaner and feeling great! Here at Club Towers we want our members to get the most out of their workouts and to ensure they start their BODYPUMP journey with the right technique we encourage anyone new to attend a technique session before their first class.

Both Garry and Katy have been teaching BODYPUMP for over 8 years and will breakdown all the main moves with you, correcting your form and technique so you are ready to attend your first class.

When – Thursday 12th September 12.30-1.30pm and Sunday 15th September 12.00-1.00pm

Where – Main Studio 

How – Book at Reception or by emailing [email protected]. Places will be booked on a first come, first served basis.  A place will be confirmed by an email response from us.

North Beds Osteopaths – Free Consultations              

Our partner, North Beds Osteopaths, is offering our members a free 15-minute consultation with their senior practitioner & founder, Jason Pinny.

Jason will sit down with you and discuss your condition and, if necessary, recommend appropriate action. Jason has been treating back, neck and joint pain for over 35 years and runs the biggest and most successful osteopathic clinic in the area. We are lucky to have him at the Club, so do take advantage of his expertise.  

When – Thursday 2 – 4pm.

Where – Foyer & Treatment Room 1

How – Please book in advance by emailing [email protected] . Sarah from the NBO team will be at the Club between the times above as well and will be answering any questions about the treatments and services they provide.  She will be in the foyer, no need to book, just pop along and say hello.

Strength and Conditioning for Runners with Expert PT Steve Horton

If you are a runner you will already know the importance of keeping your body strong and injury free. Strength training plays a huge part in this and Steve believes every runner should be including some form of strength and conditioning in their weekly training/exercise schedules.

This is a practical session where Steve will take you through some exercises that will help you keep injury free and take your running to the next level.

When – Friday 13th September 2024, 6.30-7.30pm

Where – Gym Floor, meet at the desk

How – Book at Reception or by emailing [email protected]. Places will be booked on a first come, first served basis.  A place will be confirmed by an email response from us.

Nutrition Seminar – How To Achieve Sustainable Weight Loss without Dieting with Coach Ann

This seminar is suitable for anyone who wants to:

  • Try to manage their weight in a way that is sustainable for the long term.
  • Understand why they might have struggled with diets in the past.
  • Develop a better relationship with food and eat more healthily.
  • Get some practical tips on how to make changes and develop good eating habits that will last.

Our in-house Nutrition & Wellness Coach, Ann Towers, will take participants through:

  • Why “diets” don’t work and how to make sustainable changes that will work for you.
  • Understanding “habits” – what they do and how you can make them work for you.
  • How to make change happen and, more importantly, how to sustain it.
  • What simple things you can do straight away to move you in the direction you want to go.

When – Saturday, 14th September 1.30pm

Where – Creche

How – Book at Reception or by emailing [email protected]. Places will be booked on a first come, first served basis.  A place will be confirmed by an email response from us.

Pilates for Men with Instructor Garry

Pilates has consistently been one of our most popular classes here at Club Towers, but there is sometimes a misconception that Pilates is just for women. This couldn’t be further from the truth and it is worth knowing that Pilates was actually created by Joseph Pilates, a man!

Pilates increases core strength, flexibility, posture and balance, all of which benefit both men and women. One huge benefit for men however is how Pilates can help improve any imbalances we may have, which ultimately are often the cause of associated aches and pains.

Our experienced Instructor and PT Garry is determined to get more men doing Pilates and will take you through a full body workout, suitable for all levels, explaining everything as you go along.

When – Sunday 15th September 2024, 1.15-2.15pm

Where – Holistic Studio 

How – Book at Reception or by emailing [email protected]. Places will be booked on a first come, first served basis.  A place will be confirmed by an email response from us.