Charity Summer Ball 2018 – A Tremendous Success!
What an evening! Perfect weather, great food, wonderful company and entertainment! And on top of that we raised £7,870 for our members chosen charities; the King’s Arms Project and Autism Bedfordshire. A huge “thank you” to all of our members who came to the ball and contributed so generously.
The evening started early with some fizz and canapés in the sunshine and it was lovely to see everyone dressed up for the occasion in either black tie or long dresses, which makes a change from our usual gym attire! It was also great to be able to meet and get to know so many members a little better.
We had some very positive comments on the catering and the Club Towers’ variation on the game “heads and tails”. However, surely the highlight of the night was the auction, when Andrew Wilmer, from one of our Ball sponsors Lane and Holmes, kept the guests thoroughly entertained, whilst also managing to part them from £4,800! Many thanks to Andrew, and to our other ball sponsors; Reaction Visual Media, Paris House and April Flowers, who provided all the decorations and flowers in the marquee. It looked stunning!
When the music started, I can honestly say I have never seen so many people get to the dancefloor so quickly and the dancing and drinking went on long into the night. A super end to a fantastic evening.
Feedback from members has been so good that we are already planning next year, so please reserve the date!
Saturday 22nd June 2019.