Junior Tennis Club Championships 16/17th January 2021

12 October 2020

We are planning for our Junior Club Championships to take place on the weekend of the 16/17th January 2021 and we hope that all junior racquets members can join us for their chance to shine and be crowned Club Towers champions! Tournaments are really important in a junior player’s journey, giving them the chance to build their confidence, practice their skills, play competitively and most importantly have some fun! If you are free, please do encourage your child to enter.

We will shortly confirm the times of the different age groups during that weekend of 16/17th. Entry is £4 and can be paid at Reception. All children receive a certificate and medal.

We will be closely following all LTA guidelines to ensure the tournament takes places safely.

To book, find out more, or register your child’s interest, please speak to the Reception team in person or email Lottie, at [email protected] or do speak to our Head Coach Nick Boys.