Superb Feedback on our Junior Tennis Coaching
Our junior tennis programme is designed to get our children active, enable them to have some fun, whilst at the same time improving their skills and laying the foundation for them to enjoy tennis for years to come.
In October, we surveyed parents whose children take part in our tennis coaching programmes. We wanted to see how we were doing, and what areas we could improve. The results provided a resounding “thumbs up!” for both our coaches and our overall programme. A massive 85% of respondents rated our junior tennis coaching as “Excellent” or “Good” for:
- Quality of coaching
- Speed of progression
- Variety of lessons
- Value for money.
Parents particularly valued the quality of the coaching given. Our coaches all received high approval ratings, and parents really liked the “small group” nature of the setting, allowing individualised tuition to be given, even in a group environment.
One of the main reasons for running the survey was to identify some areas where we could further improve our offering. The main areas highlighted by parents were:
- Giving better and more regular feedback to parents about progress and the areas our juniors need to work on outside of lessons.
- Improving our overall communications effort with regards to our junior tennis activities.
- Provide more competitive match play opportunities, both serious and more relaxed / friendly.
- Think creatively about the “fun elements” of sessions, both for the younger and older age groups, and try some different approaches.
We also received very detailed and specific feedback in some instances, which we have taken on board. We will look to address the above points as we head into the New Year, and we hope you will notice some changes. Please do let us know what you think!
Many thanks to all of the parents who took part in the survey. It was very valuable for us, and we really appreciate you taking the time! If anyone would like to discuss any aspect of our junior tennis programme, we are always available.
Many thanks,
Steve Davies – General Manager