Steve Horton

Personal Trainer

After completing my school education I joined the British Army. Working in a range of environments Worldwide, I developed a strong work ethic along with resilience, teamwork and a disciplined approach to fitness and health.

As well as being an experienced runner myself, I specialise in running training, technique and programming. I also plan and deliver strength and conditioning training for injury prevention and rehabilitation, this extends into many forms of exercise as well as everyday life.

I am qualified to work with clients referred by their GP or medical professional, to develop and deliver fitness programmes for a range of chronic health conditions, which can be improved through physical activity and lifestyle.

My specialist areas are:

  • Run Coaching & Cardiovascular Endurance
  • Exercise Referral
  • Strength & Conditioning
  • Compound Weightlifting
  • Functional Training

Level 3 Personal Trainer
Level 3 GP/Exercise Referral
England Athletics Leadership in Running Fitness
Boxercise and Kids Boxercise

[email protected]