Pre- and Post-Natal Exercise Q & A with Personal Trainer Maija Bissett – 8th September
Maija Bissett is part of our PT team in the gym, and one of her (many!) specialisations is supporting pre- and post-natal clients with their exercise and nutrition. As part of our Wellness Week, she will be available in the foyer on Thursday 8th September, 10.30 – 12.30pm.
Historically, pregnancy used to mean rest (and even bed rest) but the recommendation is now very much to keep moving if possible! It goes without saying that every woman and pregnancy is different but for most women, being pregnant does not mean you to need to stop exercising. Equally there are many benefits to moving and exercising safely after having a baby, but it can feel daunting coming back to exercise after the birth.
Maija is there to help support members with this and will be available during the above time to answer any questions you may have about exercising during and after your pregnancy. If you can’t make this date but would like to ask her anything, please do email Maija, on [email protected] to arrange a different time.