Junior Tennis at Club Towers
We have a junior coaching programme at various days and times for all ages and abilities, co-ordinated by highly experienced coaches.
Spring term 2025 starts on Monday 6th January so please do speak to the Reception team for more information and to book.
The sessions available for this term and descriptions for the tennis sessions are outlined below.
Tennis Tots
This is the start of your tennis journey, a 45-minute session which focuses on hand-eye coordination, movement, balance and lots of fun! For junior members aged 2.5 – 5. We ask that parents/guardians stay courtside with their children as we find very young children get the most out of the session when playing together with their family. This is a PAYG session.
Mondays 1.10pm – 1.55pm.
Mini Red Ball – Ages 4 to 7
Using scaled down courts, this is a perfect age to begin these 55-minute sessions. A fun and energetic way for children to enhance their balance and coordination, while learning basic tennis techniques and tactics. A variety of aids are utilised, with various grades of soft balls, hoops and ladders. In these sessions the coaches will usually divide into three sub-groups as the pace of development requires.
Mondays 4pm, Wednesdays 5pm and Saturdays 9am.
Mini Orange Ball – Ages 8 to 10
This session will be the first step onto a larger court for beginners and intermediate players. We develop tactics, technique and movement through drills and playing points. Fun match play starts to sharpen skills. Players may continue to be split into sub-groups according to age and ability.
Mondays 5pm, Wednesdays 6pm and Saturdays 10am.
Green Ball – Ages 9 to 11
This session is the first step onto a full court, but otherwise similar to the Mini Orange Ball sessions. Additional focus will be on serving, return of serve and rally development.
Mondays 5pm, Wednesdays 6pm and Saturdays 10am.
Yellow Ball – Age 12 +
These are drills and practical point-based sessions, preparing the junior to compete at the highest level. There is regular competitive play at this level The technique and skills you developed through mini tennis can now be put into practice.
Mondays 6pm.
Invitation Squads
We also run squad sessions on Thursdays for juniors who are ready to commit to match play, drills and more hours on court. These are invitation squads decided by the coaches. There is regular competitive play in these squads. The technique and skills you developed through the coaching sessions above can now be put into practice.
Green Ball Squad at 5 to 6pm on Thursdays.
Yellow Ball Squad at 6 to 7pm on Thursdays.
If you are unsure which session would be best for your child, please do speak to our Reception team or email [email protected] who will be able to help.