Junior Member Ellen Swimming her way to South Korea

We would like to wish junior member Ellen the very best of luck for her upcoming sponsored swim which she will be doing in our pool on Sunday 19th February.  Ellen approached us a few weeks ago to ask us if she could swim in the pool as part of her fundraising activities, as she has been selected to represent the Bedfordshire Scouts at the 2023 World Scout Jamboree in South Korea and needs to raise £4,000.  We admired her initiative and were happy to support the opportunity for one of our junior members to have a once in a lifetime experience with memories and initiatives she will bring back to her community.

The 25th World Scout Jamboree will be held in August this year at Saemangeum, North Jeolla, hosted by the Korean Scout Association with the theme, “Draw Your Dream, and 40,000 Scouts from across the World will attend the World’s largest educational event.  Whilst Ellen has been selected as one of 36 to be part of unit 17 of the Bedfordshire Bees, the £4,000 is needed to secure her and her unit’s place.

Ellen, 15, has a number of ideas to help her get there and one of them was a sponsored swim.  It’s 8,995km to Saemanguem, so she has set herself the ambitious target of swimming this distance in metres in our pool!  Our pool is 20 metres long so 450 lengths, not a mean feat!

Ellen has been a member with us since 2020 along with her Dad and Mum, Simon and Laura, and lives locally in Little Staughton. Whilst she is a keen swimmer this is still going to be quite a challenge and we wish her a happy and easy swim! 

If you would like to support Ellen, her Go Fund Me page can be found here – Fundraiser by Ellen Platts : Unit 17 Scouts attend the World Scout Jamboree ( and if you see her swimming on the morning of the 19th February,  do give her some encouragement, especially later in the day!