Introducing our Fitness Manager: Jamie Matsell
Tell us a little of your background. What is your experience of the leisure industry?
I was a sports fanatic as a child, playing both rugby and football to a high standard until a knee injury unfortunately halted my career early. I took up building and racing cars and went on to study Motor Sport Engineering at University. Despite having to stop playing competitive sport I continued to train in the gym at University and it was there that I developed my real passion for Health and Fitness. I completed my Personal Trainer course after my degree and from there it was a natural progression to seek a job in the fitness sector. I consider myself very lucky to have moved straight into an industry that I love. I was addicted to the results my clients were getting which opened doors for me to move into a management position. I have managed a huge variety of trainers across a number of different health clubs and am very excited about the new challenge awaiting me at Club Towers.
What attracted you to the position of Fitness Manager at Towers Health & Racquets club?
I have opened a few gyms over the years but never had the opportunity to get fully involved in everything from the very start. I love the fact that we can aim to create the perfect club environment for our members and using all the experience from everyone on board, I truly believe we can. This is not only going to give us the chance to help change people’s lives in the fitness sector but also get them involved in sports too and hopefully, improve the quality of both our tennis and squash players.
When recruiting for your staff, what will you be looking for?
This is an easy one for me. I have two big things that I look for in trainers; their personalities and a willingness to learn. We will be creating a first class family environment within the club and the personalities of the staff will be vital in achieving this, especially for those all important group training sessions that I hope to see everyone in! The industry is a fast paced, ever changing one and I will be looking to employ staff that can keep up with that and have the desire to keep learning and improving what we can offer.
What is your biggest achievement in the industry to date?
As a manager it would have to be mentoring a brand new personal trainer from the point where he had only just finished his qualification to becoming the manager of a gym. Coming into the fitness industry is a difficult thing but with his willingness to learn and his hard work we managed to put a plan in place enabling him to generate a lot of interest for his PT skill-set. With this success other trainers wanted to know his secret and as he then spent time helping to develop other members of the team it was a simple step from there to management.
From a personal point of view I would say my biggest achievement has been working with one of my very first clients. She really struggled to lose weight and had no motivation to come to the gym; her home life dictated so much of what she was able to do and she struggled. Working together we overcame her motivation issues and managed to balance her home life too which totally changed her as a person and I am so proud of her.
What is your favourite food?
Well, I love my food so this could be a very long list! If pushed I would have to say fillet steak with roasted sweet potatoes is the favourite, with homemade pasta and meatballs a close second place. I like pretty much everything though really, except mushrooms!
What do you like to do when not working?
In all honesty when I’m not working I’m either eating or training. I take my own fitness and health very seriously and I absolutely love training. Outside of the gym, I have taken on a project of renovating our house, which really does take up every spare moment! I have learnt plenty over the past few months and find it extremely satisfying now it is starting to take shape and I can see some reward for all the hard work. I also still work on the odd car here and there especially when my mates need work doing.
And finally…. Who has been your biggest influence?
I have been extremely fortunate throughout my childhood and my career and looking back I can’t thank everyone enough. My dad has been a real rock in my life over the years and has taken me all over the country with various sports. I wouldn’t be where I am now if it wasn’t for him. My other real big influence has been my last manager who has played a massive role in my success over the last year in both my personal and professional life. His attention to detail and work ethic has driven me to outperform anything I have ever done before and I will definitely be bringing that mind-set with me on my new journey.