Class Etiquette

We run a very busy and successful Group Exercise Timetable here at Club Towers. We would like to remind our members of some ‘class etiquette’ guidelines. These will help our timetable run smoothly and create a much more enjoyable experience for you as a member.

Arriving for a class……..

We pride ourselves in running our classes on time. In order for classes to start on time please ensure you arrive in ample time.

Most of our classes have a 10-15 minute gap between them, allowing enough time for the previous class to exit and the next class to get ready.

For classes involving equipment such as Body Pump, Yoga/Pilates and Spin, it is essential you arrive a few minutes early to allow you time to set up.

For Body Pump you will notice floor markers are in the place in the Main Studio. Please set up your bench centrally, directly on top of the marker. The markers are in place to give everyone adequate space to move safely and effectively.

If you are new to a particular class, please allow a little more time and likewise advise the Instructor so that he/she can assist you in setting up.

There is no reason to set up any earlier than 15 minutes before the class starts and we strongly discourage this.

If you arrive late for your class………

If you arrive after the class has started it is likely you will turned away by the Instructor due to safety and the disruption that late arrivals cause to those in the class.

For classes in the Mind & Body Studio, late entry will not be permitted at all.

For classes on the Gym Floor and in the Main and Spin Studios, late entry is at the Instructor’s discretion but anything more than a few minutes or after the warm-up will not be permitted. Therefore, please ensure you arrive on time!

Setting up for a friend or ‘saving a spot……..

There may be instances where members set up for friends and whilst this may be in good faith, it can lead to issues, particularly if the person you have set up is late or doesn’t turn up. Therefore, we ask that once any equipment/mat is set up, you remain in the studio with it.

We are often creatures of habit and might like a certain spot in the room; however, no one ‘owns’ a spot, nor has the right to dictate to others where they should stand. Please be respectful to others if they are in a spot you normally like to position yourself and find yourself another vacant space.

During the class……..

We are very lucky to have a fantastic Instructor Team and they work extremely hard to deliver first rate classes! Talking/chit chat whilst the class is running or using a mobile phone is very disruptive for both the Instructor and other members so please do not do this. If you do have an emergency that involves needing your phone on during the class, please advise the Instructor in advance.

The Instructor is there to instruct and we ask that you follow them to the best of your ability. They can give you any alternatives or adaptions you might need but it can be confusing to those around you if you are not following the Instructor at all.

Clothing and Footwear…….

Please ensure your attire is suitable for the class you are attending. All classes in the Main Studio, Spin Studio and on the Gym Floor require trainers to be worn and cannot be done barefoot. Please ensure your trainers are clean and ideally for indoor use only.

Classes in the Holistic Studio will depend on the activity and for most of them you will be barefoot. In order to best enjoy your class you will want to pick clothing that is comfortable and  appropriate to the activity.

At the end of your class……..

Please do not exit the Studio until your class has finished. Generally classes will have a cool-down/stretch at the end and this is a very important and beneficial part of the session. For the safety of yourself and those around you, we ask that you do not put equipment away until the class (including any cool-down) has finished.

If you do need to leave before the end of class due to a specific reason and as a one-off only, please let the Instructor know in advance. They can then advise what to do with any equipment you are using.

We hope the above tips help and we look forward to seeing you in one of the studios for your next class!